AimHi Family Firearms Center is thrilled to share the latest developments from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources’ Division of Wildlife. The Ohio Wildlife Council recently finalized the hunting and trapping schedules for the 2024–25 season, encompassing white-tailed deer, migratory birds, small game and furbearers. This announcement came during their meeting Wednesday, April 10, marking the continuation of Ohio’s rich tradition in outdoor sportsmanship.
A Glimpse into the 2024–25 Deer Hunting Seasons

The upcoming deer hunting season’s framework remains consistent with the previous year. Hunters will be permitted to harvest only one antlered deer throughout the season, with the timetable extending from 30 minutes before sunrise until 30 minutes after sunset.
The key dates for deer hunting are as follows:
- Archery: Sept. 28, 2024–Feb. 2, 2025
- Youth Gun: Nov. 16–17, 2024
- Gun: Dec. 2–8, 2024 and Dec. 21–22, 2024
- Muzzleloader: January 4–7, 2025
The deer management permit system has been updated, allowing permits to be valid through Dec. 22, 2024, coinciding with the conclusion of the bonus deer gun hunting weekend. The window of permit usability has expanded, now covering both the weeklong and bonus weekend hunts.
To control deer population growth and enhance hunting opportunities, bag limits will increase from two to three deer in several counties, including Butler, Clinton, Fayette, Greene, Madison and Pickaway. These adjustments are strategic, according to the Ohio DNR, ensuring sustainable herd and quality hunting experiences. Maps detailing the bag limits are available on the official website.
Enhanced Surveillance for Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)
Recent regulations have broadened the CWD surveillance area following the discovery of a CWD-positive deer in Allen County last year. The surveillance area now encompasses additional townships, including Augalize and Jakson in Allen County.
Special hunting dates have been established for hunters within the surveillance area:
- Archery: Sept. 14, 2024–Feb. 2, 2025
- Early Gun: Oct. 12–14
The Division of Wildlife has also reduced mandatory CWD testing days from 14 to four, focusing on the initial days of early gun and weeklong seasons. Despite this reduction, hunters in the area are still required to submit samples on specified days, and voluntary testing remains available.
A Diversity of Hunting Seasons
The fall wild turkey season will span from Oct. 1–27, 2024, in 70 counties, with a limit of one bird per season. Details of the Spring 2024 wild turkey seasons will be announced later in the year.
Ruffed grouse enthusiasts can look forward to hunting from Nov. 1–Dec. 1, 2024, in 17 designated southern and eastern counties. The daily limit for ruffed grouse in one bird.
Changes have also been made to river otter trapping zones, with a season limit of three otters, and no more than one from Zone B. Zone A, previously known as Zone C, includes 22 counties in the eastern part of the state.
Waterfowl hunters will notice a shift in the second split hunting dates for ducks, coots and mergansers, which are now set one week later than last season in the north and Lake Erie marsh zones. The north zone is open Oct.19–27,2024, and again from Nov.16–Dec.22, 2024. The Lake Erie marsh zone is open from Oct. 12–27,2024, and again from Nov.9–Dec. 22, 2024.
The goose and brant seasons have been similarly scheduled for the marsh zone, open Oct. 12–27, 2024, and again from Nov. 16,2024, to Feb. 3, 2025, with the inclusion of a special weekend for youth and military waterfowl hunting on Sept, 28–29, 2024.
AimHi Family Firearms Center: Your Guide to Ohio’s Hunting Regulations
As hunters and outdoor enthusiasts gear up for the seasons, AimHi Family Firearms Center stands ready to assist with any regulatory questions you may have. Our knowledgeable staff is up to date on the latest rules and can provide you with the guidance needed to navigate these changes.
Whether you’re a longtime hunter or new to the sport, we’re here to help you prepare for a successful season. Stop by our facility, visit the online store or give us a call and ensure you’re equipped with everything you need for the great Ohio outdoors.
For a full rundown of the 2024–25 hunting and trapping season dates, visit