This is a 3-class series designed to help make you safer and more confident if you carry a firearm for self defense.

PLEASE NOTE: In order to provide the best training for all students, an Ohio concealed carry license or proof of equivalent training is a pre-requisite for this course. This is NOT a basic handgun course.

Defensive Handgun 1

This is the first stage of your advanced training to become more confident and proficient with your shooting skills. This class will refresh and build on good shooting fundamentals, focusing on trigger control and aiming for self-defensive training. Instructors will cover ways to dress for concealed carry, holster options, as well as the process of drawing from a holster. When finished with the class, students will be holster certified, allowing them to practice drawing from a holster when on the range at AimHi.

Requirements for the class are:

  • CCW License or equivalent training
  • Firearm (compact or full-size recommended)
  • Dominant side hip holster
  • At least 2 magazines
  • Magazine pouch
  • At least 150 rounds of ammo


Defensive Handgun 2

Build on the skills from Defensive Handgun 1 to move further down the pathway to confidence. This class will cover how to clear common pistol malfunctions, reloading, and shooting with your dominant and non-dominant hand only. On the range students will be drawing from concealment, practicing drills involving target identification and accuracy with time constraints. Reloading during drills as well as one-handed shooting will be additional skills practiced on the range.

Requirements for the class are:

  • Defensive Handgun 1
  • Firearm (compact or full-size recommended)
  • Dominant side hip holster
  • At least 2 magazines
  • Magazine pouch
  • At least 150 rounds of ammo
  • Cover garment


Defensive Handgun 3

The third class in a series of great classes to help shooters discover the skills necessary for proficient practice on the range. This is a more advanced class that spends most of the time shooting on the range. Learn how to draw and shoot accurately while moving, shooting from behind cover, and target sequencing when confronted with multiple targets. Some of these drills will be practiced under low light conditions to stress the importance of training under real-world situations. Techniques for shooting with a tactical flashlight in conjunction with your gun will be discussed and practiced.

Requirements for the class are:

  • Defensive Handgun 1 & 2
  • Firearm (compact or full-size recommended)
  • Dominant side hip holster
  • At least 2 magazines
  • Magazine pouch
  • At least 150 rounds of ammo
  • Night Sights are recommended
  • Cover garment
  • Tactical Flashlight (Not sure which one? Use one of ours.)