Among the several classes AimHi offers are Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy (OPOTA) Private Security Firearms basic and semiautomatic pistol re-qualification courses.
The classes are a requirement for security guards and armored car personnel to earn and retain a firearm bearer notation on their security guard registration in the state of Ohio.
Here’s what to expect during our weekend classes.
AimHi’s Private Security Firearms Basic 20-hour training ($249.95) is split into two days, Saturday and Sunday, including 16 hours of class time and four hours on the range, with a lunch hour each day.
Saturday’s session is a 10-hour classroom lesson; Sunday’s session is a six-hour classroom lesson and four-hour range lesson. Students must attend all 20 hours of the course, per state law. Class sizes are capped at 10 students per group.
Students should provide their duty firearm (semiautomatic only), strong-side hip holster, at least two (preferably three) magazines, closed-toe shoes and a brimmed hat for simulating certain field-of-vision scenarios on the range, per OPOTA guidelines. We provide ammo for 9mm, .40 S&W, and .45 ACP.
We recommend students qualify with their duty pistol as opposed to borrowing someone else’s firearm in order to best develop technique for potential on-the-job application.
AimHi instructors are OPOTA-certified, each with a minimum of five years’ experience carrying a firearm in their job, such as retired or semi-retired law enforcement officers or military members.
AimHi’s Private Security Firearms instructors will teach students basic handling and discharging practices, as well advanced training such as mindset education (e.g., when security personnel can and should draw a firearm in the line of duty).
Range lessons include environmental variables such as low light and distances up to 50 feet (the portion of training that most often yields unsatisfactory marks). We recommend students practice prior to classes and continue training on the range at least once a month if they intend to carry a pistol.
AimHi offers a four-hour OPOTA Private Security Firearms semiautomatic pistol re-qualification course ($139.95), with two hours of class time and two hours of range time during a single weekend day.
Students must also possess and provide prior to the class a current, unexpired, OPOTA Private Security Firearms training certificate.
OPOTA guidelines state students may re-qualify any time in the 90-day period prior to expiration. It does take time for certificates to be returned, so students should allow plenty of time before their certificate’s expiration. We recommend shooting no later than one month prior to expiration in order to ensure no break in service.
Due to strict requirements, online registration is not available for OPOTA Private Security Firearms basic and semiautomatic pistol re-qualification courses.
To sign up, visit AimHi or call the store at 614-939-4867, Opt 2. Once you have registered, you will be contacted via email to start the enrollment process.
After re-qualification course registration, participants should send a copy of their current OPOTA certificate to OPOTA@GOAIMHI.COM at least a week prior to their class.
Click HERE to check the calendar for upcoming class schedules.
AIMHI FAMILY FIREARAMS CENTER offers a variety of firearms training classes for all levels of gun owners. All classes are conducted with a commitment to helping you learn in a safe, comfortable, relaxed environment. AimHi caters to those new to shooting and those unfamiliar with or nervous around firearms. AimHi also offers in-depth instruction to more advanced shooters looking to hone their skills.